This is my personal blog. Here, I share photos and ideas. Éste es mi blog personal, donde comparto fotos e ideas.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Following and Befriending People In Social Networks
It Is Melting Time
Well, the snow is melting... But more snow is coming according to guy on TV. Snow for Christmas? It would be funner than snow for final exams!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Art Appreciation - Dalí
There are several photos of the same painting--official photos that are used for brochures, websites, books, and so on. Maybe that's the reason why when we think about a piece of art, we visualize the piece by itself. If we--or at least, I, myself--imagine that piece in a museum, we tend to visualize the gallery's opening night: pretty people with expensive jewelry, drinking martinis or champagne; eccentric people wearing jeans, etc.
Lately, I have been thinking about how we act and react when appreciating art. Do we talk to ourselves? Do we see art with friends and family, or alone? Does it matter what we say about art, after reading the museum caption for a piece? Does the capiton start the conversation, or is the caption irrelevant? Why do we go to a museum if we can find a photo online? Why do we photograph a work of art, even if there are tons of photos of that piece? Why do we photograph people we don't know looking at a work of art that we have already dissected by taking 20 photos of it--which is, by the way what I did?
I don't think this is a good photo, but I think it's a good conversation starter. What do you think?
Note: you may post a comment on this blog, or on Flicker [ ]
Thursday, December 9, 2010
A Kiss On The Wall
Somebody kissed--or perhaps pretended to kiss--a column near my office, at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, Virginia). I hope they clean it soon, because it looked funny at the beginning, but now it looks kind of pathetic. By far, this is the best type of graffiti that I found in Richmond.
iPhone applications: Format126 & Lo-mob.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Un caracolito
I found this snail by the front door. My favorite snails are the petrified snails from the Chihuahua desert in Mexico.
This photo was taken with a 10X digital lens.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Where's My Cat?
In this photo Van Helsing the cat is in the driveway. He didn't want to move. He's blended with the leaves and all the beautiful colors of the fall season. If you don't see Van Helsing, look at the center of the photo.
En esta foto el gato Van Helsing está en la entrada a la casa. El gato no quiso hacerse a un lado y le tomé la foto, en la cual se encuentra mezclado con las hojas y los colores bonitos del otoño. Si no lo ves, búscalo en el centro de la foto.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Control Remoto, a Video
Un control remoto, un canal de televisión (E!), un sintetizador, un nivel de volumen, un efecto visual (caleidoscopio) y una nota (sol).
The images come from the iPhone application UberCam. The extra voices come from the E! channel. The music is composed with only one note (Sol, or G), but with several octaves and a constant change in pitch. Music made with Ableton Live.
Las imágenes vienen de la aplicación UberCam para iPhone. Las voces extras son del canal E!. La música se compuso con una sola nota (Sol) pero con diferentes octava y un cambio constante de tono o altura. La música se grabó con Ableton Live.
Drop me a comment if you like the video. Escriba un comentario si le gusta el video.
Control Remoto: UberCam + Synth from Lulú De Panbehchi on Vimeo.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Playing with Water
If you press play and the show doesn't start, please click on this link:
Playing with Water
If you press play and the show doesn't start, please click on this link:
Monday, November 22, 2010
San Xavier del Bac - Church
This is a Spanish colonial church in the Southwest of the United States. If you visit Tucson, go to San Xavier del Bac. You will be amazed, even if you don't like art that much.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
A Rainy Day in Richmond
Just a rainy day in Richmond, Virginia. This photo was taken with Camera Bag, an application for iPhone. I used my favorite setting, Silver. It looks like an old time photo.
This is one of those photos I took from the car--of course, I wasn't driving. This a tree and a power line pole that look nice to me, however for the power company it may mean big trouble.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Un Chien Mexicain (Hipstamatic Contest Entry)
Just remembering Dalí, Buñuel and the Andalusian dog, Lorca.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Minimalistic Power Lines
Sometimes the best photos are the ones that say a lot with just a few elements. I like power lines, both as metaphor and as sign of "progress" or the lack of it.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Atardecer y pickup
A Glass Of Water With Ice - Pinhole Cam Application
I have been using several iPhone applications lately. I like some of them very much. The Hipstamatic, ClassicToy, ClassicPan, and Muybridgizer are great apps. However, just like with other cases in life, simple is better. Or if it's not simple, at least create something that makes the audience feel so good, that it becomes a "new normal."
However, the photography application that I like the most right now is the Pinhole Cam. Its “feel” IS NOT exactly the same feel as using a real pinhole, but it is very close. The advantage, of course, is that I don't have to spend money and time in order to see my photos, but I like the colors and the light the photos have. There are only two or three other pinhole cameras in my latest iTunes search [November 9, 2010], but I hope to see more very soon.
The only problem with the Pinhole Cam is that it doesn't offer any options for exposure. I would like to be able to have the shutter open for a minute, two or fifteen minutes, but no more than thirty minutes, since it would be a waste of battery juice.
This photo is just a glass of water. But it has colors that other cameras didn't pick up. The resolution is not great. If I print it, I will use a 3x4 or a small square format.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Entering 7-11 At Night
If you have an iPhone, you must get this app, the Muybridgizer. It's free and it's a lot of fun.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A Deco Building II
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
"The Magrot House, Cuesmes" Drawing by Van Gogh
It was great for me to see a drawing by one of the best painters, Vincent Van Gogh. I would like to recreate this drawing later, perhaps making a Flash® piece with it.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A Yellow Flower II
This is a close up of a dry flower on a piece of white fabric. I think it looks painterly.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Rough Road
There is a rough road if you're going towards a reflection of reality. It isn't rough if you're destination is... well, who knows?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Scratched DVD 1
This is an old DVD. I like the colors that come from the light produced by the TV screen nearby. | Éste es un DVD viejo. Me gustan los colores producidos por la luz que viene de la pantalla de la televisión que está cerca.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Blog Action Day 2010 - 15 October - Water
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Finger Writing
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The same image, but a little bigger. |
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UYH iPhone application. |
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I'm still learning, but I don't want to write perfect letters. |
Friday, October 8, 2010
Still Life And Napkin B
This photo is very simple: it has strong color and a good amount of white, empty space. I was taken with an iPhone application called Hipstamatic, and it later was fixed with a different application, called Format126. What the second application did was to make the colors bolder.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fall Leaf
This photo was taken in the summer, but it looks like a leaf from the beginning of the fall season. Virginia needs more water. It's too dry!
Monday, September 27, 2010
One of my friends likes this photo. It remind me of the fears we have when we fly. We may have fear of flying, going to a difficult or unknown place, being late or not having what we may need at the place we're going to.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Birds And Electricity
This is a photo taken with an iPhone, with an app called "HD camera" and fixed with a different app called "Format126." These days, hundreds of birds visit the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. The break the fast pace of the university life.
Monday, September 20, 2010
KK Original Glazed Donuts
This photo, which is not by far the best I've taken in the last month, was used to illustrate a donuts recipe at
It's great! I just hope that somebody pays attention to my best photos, or at least the ones I consider my best efforts.
The Lovers by Pablo Picasso
I have photos of famous paintings and art pieces. I usually keep them in my computer. But this is one of those photos that may help somebody with a school presentation. Just give me credit for it! (Click on the photo to get the museum info tag)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Tiramisù Cake
I love sugar, I love cake, I love tiramisù cake! What about you? Do you love tiramisù?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Leaves, Light, Wide Angle Lens
I like the light that fights against the leaves, and then it becomes something else--little bubbles.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Black and White, and Speed
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Another Tree Plus Light
For some reason, this pic has been seen more than 30 times. I believe that I have other photos that look better and have a nicer composition. But maybe this is one of those cases in which I have favorites and I cannot see clear what other people see.
Just like the previous photo, I took this one while going around the house on a sunny afternoon.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tree Light
This is one of those photos I took while going around the house. Lots of sun light, lots of trees, and a wide angle lens.
The "V" of Virginia in a Virginia Highway.
When you drive on I-64 from Richmond to Williamsburg, you can always see the "V" of Virginia.
El Chupacabra (the goat-sucker)
El Chupacabra (the goat-sucker)
This is the skeleton of perhaps a wild cat. It looks like a feline and also a different animal.
I took the photo at a cemetery in México.
Friday, July 16, 2010

You can see the sun rays in all of the photos. The photo on the left is a high definition pic. It doesn't have any filters.
The other two photos were taken with a camera application called "ClassicToy," which is similar to the Hipstamatic app, but it's not as reliable as the Hipstamatic. Whenever ClassicToy works, the results are beautiful. But you have to have very good luck when you take the photo. I believe that what happens is that you cannot photograph anything that's moving.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Cigarra 2
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Hey, don't take my picture 3.
This little guy was hiding in my mother-in-law's car. He looks very small and pretty, but it moves so fast that made it almost impossible to take a good picture of it. In this photo, it's standing on a trash can.