Check your Boobs Every Month. Don't Be Scared. Revisa tus senos cada mes. No tengas miedo., a photo by Lulú Elenes on Flickr.
Even if you find something, check your boobs. It's better to find a lump early than..., well, you know.
This is my personal blog. Here, I share photos and ideas. Éste es mi blog personal, donde comparto fotos e ideas.
Even if you find something, check your boobs. It's better to find a lump early than..., well, you know.
Blue filter - Filtro azul, a set on Flickr.
I'm using a patch for the burns resulting from radiation treatment. The patch is covered with a blue plastic, which I'm using as a "filter" for my iPhone--I cover the lens with this plastic and shoot.
Estoy usando un parche para las quemaduras que me dejó el tratamiento de radiación. El parche está cubierto con un plástico azul, el cual estoy usando como "filtro" para mi iPhone. Cubro el lente de la cámara con este plástico antes de tomar las fotos.