Monday, July 28, 2014

Two views of the same parking lot

This photo was composed at random and without that intention. Maybe the camera didn't rewind that well and juxtaposed two different photos instead of making four versions of the same scene.

The place is the parking lot in front of Target, TJ Maxx, and Martin's in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Most people don't ask me anymore how I "made" a photo, but rather "why" and "how" I came up with that idea. I have said before that my philosophy is,

Whatever is good for me is good for my photos.
I damage the film with a liquid or water and some solids, then take the photos.

I have to take calcium because I also take a chemo pills, which can lower bone density. Since calcium is supposed to be good for me, I used it. I have damaged film with milk before. When you take a photo in the sun, or at least in a well-lit place, the photo will render a lot of pink and maybe some blue; and when you take the photos in a dark or darkish place, the image comes up pink with some green tones.

To see a batch of photos with milk, click here. (In case you have problems with the link: )

Calcium is one of those ingredients I want to use again. Maybe, next time I will use it with another ingredient. 

Two Views of the Same Parking Lot

Technical description

Analog film decomposed with water and calcium supplement pills.
Película análoga, dañada con agua y pastillas de  calcio.

Camera/Cámara: PopCam
Film/Película: Fuji 200.

Williamsburg - Richmond, Virginia

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Cathedral with a Pinhole Holga

The Cathedral with the toy camera "Pinhole Holga". La Catedral con una cámara de juguete estenopeica llamada "Pinhole Holga". Analog film decomposed with water and dirt. Película análoga, dañada con agua y tierra. Camera/Cámara: Pinhole Holga Film/Película: Fuji 200. Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia 2014 The Cathedral with a Pinhole Holga

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I'm back at blogging

Perhaps I shouldn't blog, because I do not post that often. I took a sabbatical. Reason? Very simple: I had chemo and radiation. That's a good excuse. But blogging should be a spontaneous and happy activity in my opinion. Blogs are not books. Blogs are not dissertations. However, blogs are a little more serious than an opinion during a casual conversation, since one has to write the opinion.

Why am I writing again? Simple.

I'm happy about photography!

Actually, I am always happy about photography, in particular about analog photography, which is what I will do from now on in this blog--I will write about my analog photography only.

Here is a link to the latest batch of photos I uploaded to my Flickr account:
Analog Selfie
Here is the link:

Description / Descripción:
Analog film decomposed with saline water and Decadron and Zofran pills. (Decadron and Zofran are pills taken after chemo treatment to avoid vomit and other side effects; I had to take them in 2012-2013)

Película análoga, dañada con suero (suero fisiológico),  Decadron y Zofran. (Las pastillas Decadron y Zofran se toman para evitar vómito y otros efectos secundarios después de los tratamientos de quimioterapia; las tomé en 2012-2013)

Camera/Cámara: Vivitar
Film/Película: Fuji 200.

Washington, DC - Richmond, Virginia