Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I'm back at blogging

Perhaps I shouldn't blog, because I do not post that often. I took a sabbatical. Reason? Very simple: I had chemo and radiation. That's a good excuse. But blogging should be a spontaneous and happy activity in my opinion. Blogs are not books. Blogs are not dissertations. However, blogs are a little more serious than an opinion during a casual conversation, since one has to write the opinion.

Why am I writing again? Simple.

I'm happy about photography!

Actually, I am always happy about photography, in particular about analog photography, which is what I will do from now on in this blog--I will write about my analog photography only.

Here is a link to the latest batch of photos I uploaded to my Flickr account:
Analog Selfie
Here is the link:

Description / Descripción:
Analog film decomposed with saline water and Decadron and Zofran pills. (Decadron and Zofran are pills taken after chemo treatment to avoid vomit and other side effects; I had to take them in 2012-2013)

Película análoga, dañada con suero (suero fisiológico),  Decadron y Zofran. (Las pastillas Decadron y Zofran se toman para evitar vómito y otros efectos secundarios después de los tratamientos de quimioterapia; las tomé en 2012-2013)

Camera/Cámara: Vivitar
Film/Película: Fuji 200.

Washington, DC - Richmond, Virginia

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